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An experienced buyer’s agent knows how to present requests and negotiate. Many builders are inflexible, but a good agent can work with the site agent to get things done that might not normally happen. Keystone Realty Group works first hand with the HOA, and keeps our clients interests first.

A condominium, or condo, is a type of housing wherein a very specific part of a larger property — almost always an apartment within a complex — is privately owned by the homeowner, while all other connecting areas of the complex are communally owned by all condo residents. Townhouses, or townhomes, are individual houses that are placed side-by-side, where one or two walls of each house are shared between adjacent homes.

Inquiries 18017 Sky Park Cir #C Irvine, CA 92614
949.508.2141 | info(at)keystonefirm(dotted)com