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Get the Most Money When Selling Your Home

Every homeowner wants to make sure they get the best price when selling their home. But how do you guarantee that you receive maximum value for your house? Here are two keys to ensuring you get the highest price possible.


  1. Use a Real Estate Professional

Real Estate Professionals know how to get the most money for your home. An experienced agent knows how to price a home and the best marketing techniques to bring the most attention to a property. While a seller may save on commission, they take the risk of leaving money on the table in the overall sale. Saving money on commission, could come back to bite a seller in the end. According to a study by the National Association of Realtors, “The median selling price for all FSBO homes was $185,000 last year. When the buyer knew the seller in FSBO sales, the number sinks to the median selling price of $163,800. However, homes that were sold with the assistance of an agent had a median selling price of $245,000 – nearly $60,000 more for the typical home sale.”


  1. Price your home accurately (Even a little low)

Many homeowners initially price their home a little over market value thinking this will leave them room for negotiation. In fact, pricing your home over market value could lead to a decrease in demand. An accurately priced home, or even a home priced slightly under market value, leaves the most potential, for the maximum demand. By creating more demand for the home the seller has the potential to entice multiple buyers with competing offers.

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